Uusi luku yhdessä Leden Group:in kanssa!
Hyvät kanssakulkijamme,
olemme innoissamme ilmoittaessamme, että Hero Mechanics yhdistää voimansa Leden Group:in kanssa. Tämä antaa meille mahdollisuuden yhdistää vahvuutemme, monipuolistaa resursseja ja auttaa luomaan lisäarvoa tuotteillemme ja palveluillemme. Tulemme siis jatkossakin tuottamaan korkealaatuisia tuotteita ja palveluita ammattitaidolla ja luotettavasti.
Liittymällä osaksi Leden Group:ia, voimme parantaa kykyjämme ja laajentaa globaalia ulottuvuuttamme samalla, kun säilytämme sitoutumisemme erinomaisuuteen ja henkilökohtaiseen palveluun. Tuotteisiimme tai palveluihimme ei tule välittömiä muutoksia ja luonnollisesti olemme täällä tukemassa sidosryhmiämme tämän siirtymän aikana.
Kiitos jatkuvasta luottamuksestasi ja tuestasi. Odotamme innolla tätä uutta lukua ja sen tuomia mahdollisuuksia meille kaikille.
A New Chapter with Leden Group!
Dear Valued Partners,
We are excited to announce that Hero Mechanics is joining forces with Leden Group. This partnership allows us to combine our strengths, diversify our resources, and create added value for our products and services. Rest assured, we will continue to deliver high-quality products and services with professionalism and reliability.
By becoming part of Leden Group, we can enhance our capabilities and expand our global reach while maintaining our commitment to excellence and personalized service. There will be no immediate changes to our products or services, and we are here to support our stakeholders throughout this transition.
Thank you for your continued trust and support. We look forward to this new chapter and the opportunities it brings for all of us.
Exciting Development Experiments at Hero Mechanics Ltd: Towards a Greener Future!
Exciting things are happening at Hero Mechanics Ltd! The company is committed in its quality system to support innovation and ideas for sustainability improvement. The goal is to construct a better and greener tomorrow.
In collaboration with Natural Indigo Finland, Hero Mechanics is diving into the world of plant-based dyes in anodizing processes. Although the project is still in its early stages, the results are already more than inspiring.
A radiant yellow reminiscent of the glow of golden late summer fields and a calming, refreshing lime hue have been achieved. Both of these stunning colors have been obtained by utilizing by-products from the food industry, specifically from yellow and red onion production. This allows what would otherwise end up as waste to shine.
In the future, Hero Mechanics will continue to explore and develop ecologically sustainable solutions that, ideally, like this one, combine innovation and sustainability. Together, let’s paint a brighter and greener tomorrow! So, stay tuned, because this story is just beginning.
Quality certificate
During year 2020 Hero Mechanics Ltd implemented a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. In 2021 the system was certified for the first time by external auditor. In January 2024 a renewed external audit proofed once again, that our system meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standard.
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